Royal Museum of Mariemont

image 4 suns

Chaussée de Mariemont 100
B-7140 Morlanwelz (Morlanwelz)

50.46776 4.23269 11
Royal Museum of Mariemont
Right in the middle of a gorgeous landscaped park, in this surprising museum, China and Japan live side by side with Egypt, ancient Greece and Rome, and Hainaut’s past is showcased in collections dating from prehistory to the 20th century, via Gallo-Roman and Merovingian civilisations. The museum also boasts the most fantastic collection of Tournai porcelain. The park, one of the most beautiful arboretums in Wallonia, creates the backdrop for a unique collection of monumental bronze statues, including Rodin’s Burghers of Calais.
en fr nl


  • Auditorium
  • Shop
  • Cafeteria
  • Conference room

  • Ascenseur,visites guidées sur demande

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