Manage, city of glass
The commune of Manage was formed in 1977 from the merger of the communes of Bois d’Haine, Fayt-lez-Manage, La Hestre and Manage. On a territory of almost 2000 hectares, there is a rich environmental, cultural and historical heritage that is currently being developed. A rural community that has become residential over time, Manage, with its 23,000 inhabitants, is currently known for its intense cultural and sporting activity. Folklore is very present with carnivals, fairs, flea markets… Not forgetting the Bal Blanc in Fayt-lez-Manage and the Chaudeau in Bois d’Haine.
More information :
Place Albert 1er, 1
7170 Manage
T : +32 (0)64/51.82.11 / +32 (0)64/51.82.55